
França pode proibir venda de celular a crianças com menos de 12 anos


It could soon be illegal to sell handsets to those under the age of twelve.
The French environment minister Jean-Louis Borloo is to introduce a law that would outlaw the sale of mobile handsets to children under the age of twelve as they are “more sensitive because their bodies are still developing.”

The ruling, which comes as part of a raft of 104 laws covering a variety of issues, will make the sale of hands free devices with the purchase of a handset mandatory, according to Bloomberg.
 “It hasn’t been possible to date to carry out epidemiological studies to determine the health effects of long- term exposure to frequencies emitted by mobile telephones,” read a statement from France’s environment department, which advises moderating the use of mobile phones among the young. “Mobile phone use is developing at a rapid pace among youths.”

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